Sunday, March 25, 2007

Leaving town tomorrow...

I'm leaving town tomorrow, off to Montreal for a few days, then Europe! Whoo take yer shirt off!

Yum, Roberto Bolle. Gorgeous Italian ballet dancer. Proof that REAL MEN DANCE!

Speaking of dance, I found a website for a ballet studio in Seville. I sent them an e-mail and they said they can take me so I might get to take classes there.

Friends, if you want me to send you a postcard, send me an email with your full name, address, and if you have a country preference (Spain or Italy. Don't know if I'll go to Portugal...).

I'll keep updating my blog so keep checking if you want to know about my travel adventures. Don't know how often I'll get to update, but anyway...

Adios/arrivederci and see you all in 3 months!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The countdown is on - 5 more days till I leave town!

Well, I haven't written in a while but I've been superbusy with work, dance, and of course, planning my big Euro trip. I'm leaving town on Monday the 26th, staying in Montreal till the 30th, then flying to London and then to Seville. I'm staying in Seville till mid-June (though I'll also visit other cities, towns, etc in southern Spain), then I'm going to Italy for 2 weeks. In Italy, I'll be mostly in Rome, but I also want to visit Assisi and a few other places. Actually, Ryanair (cheap European airline) has a direct route from Seville to Milan so during my time in Spain, I might go to Milan for a weekend. I can't wait, whooo take yer shirt off!

This one's for YOU, Gillis! No more Dmitry (though I've got several more pics of him taking his shirt off!), it's time to post pics of cute Spaniards!

Speaking of Gillis - is it just me, or does JK Rowling's husband look EXACTLY like Neal? And is it mere coincidence that his name is Neil? Hehehe... I've seen at least 2 guys who look just like Neal (one of them actually looked identical) and now this one actually has an almost-identical first name too!

Way of the Cross is going again this year, and for the shows I'm in, I'm a weeping woman. We had one at St. Pius last Sunday, and I'll probably go to the one in Summerside this Sunday. And the next morning, I'm outta here!