Went to Peake's last night, but it was so crowded that I stood in line for an hour before the bouncer let me in. By the time I finally got in, I was so pissed off and restless that I didn't enjoy myself much. Terence works there as a bouncer, and he said I should show up at 11:00pm. I said "I showed up at 11:30!", and he said "You were a half hour too late!". Now that Myron's has shut down, everyone is going to Peake's so it's always crowded on the weekends. There were a few stagette parties going on, judging from the fact that I saw at least 2 or 3 girls wearing cheap dollar-store tiaras with a piece of white tulle as a veil. A girl I knew from high school was involved in one of the stagettes (though not as the bride) and tried to give me some toy that was shaped like male genitalia. I didn't take it. I think those types of stagettes are tacky, if I ever get married in the future, I don't want my stagette to involve gross gag gifts. Well, I don't really have to worry about that, since most of my friends are devout Catholics, they're not into that type of stuff either.
Turns out I'm a local celebrity now because of the Canadian Idol thing. A guy I knew from high school said "Hey I saw you on Canadian Idol!", and some random people that I don't know also came up to me and said they saw me. One girl said she didn't think I did bad and that they shouldn't have dissed me. Later, as I was in my car ready to leave after Peake's closed for the night, a group of people walked by and some girl pointed to me and yelled "She was on Canadian Idol!", then some guy from that group walked up to the car, tapped on the window, and said "were you on Canadian Idol?" I said yes and then he left.
Speaking of Canadian Idol, the latest 2 contestants are duds too. Casey Leblanc isn't too bad, but is kinda boring. I think the only reason she got so many votes is because everyone from the Maritimes probably voted for her, so that they could get a Maritimer in the top 10. Emily Vinette is ok, but is too "star-search-y" - her performance had all the Star Search clichés, basically she's a Star Search kid who is too old for Star Search. I was hoping Josh Palmer would get into the top 10. He's a good singer, performer, and has personality that the two who got voted in don't have. Vince Benenatti also has personality. So far, the top 10 are teenyboppers who are clones of each other, and have no uniqueness or personality. This coming week, I'm rooting for Diego Alvarez, the Latin-American guy who sang in Spanish for his audition. If he doesn't get voted in, then I'll know that the voters are just teenyboppers who don't know good music. I prefer the singers who are like me - the ones who incorporate their own style into their songs and performances. Creativity is important to me in music. Just because a singer doesn't write their own songs or play their own instruments, it doesn't mean they're not creative. There are lots of ways to distinguish yourself from the cookie-cutter Britney Spears clones and one of the best ways to do it is to showcase yourself as a person in your performance. Vince and Dianelys did that by incorporating their cultural heritage in their performance (though Vince didn't in the show last week, he did in his audition).
I went to adoration tonight with my friends, and it was awesome. It's always nice to take some time to talk to Jesus in person and focus on my faith, especially with my friends. Last week, I started reading a book on the Rosary that I found in the bookshelf at the chapel, and it was so amazing that I had to continue reading it this week. It explains every mystery of the rosary, and the situations that the people involved were in. I didn't want to stop reading it, and will continue to read it next week. When I finish it, I will probably end up re-reading it since I love it so much.
A few funny things happened at adoration tonight. First of all, when I went into the chapel, someone's car alarm was honking loudly, and when I walked out it was still honking! My friends and I were outside the chapel after our hour was over, and they said it honked when they came in too (Tasha and Maureen were already there before I came in). Then the honking stopped... and then started up again a few minutes later!
Also, while we were in the chapel, everything was nice and quiet, but we could hear a crowd of people at the Gahan House next door cheering loudly. I wasn't close to the window so I only heard the cheering, but Jason and Tasha were close to the window and said they heard the crowd going "Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Quite funny - while we were in adoration quietly praying to the Lord, the people in the restaurant next door were getting drunk and being rowdy. Reminds me of Krista's birthday party a few years ago when Cory got me to chug half a bottle of Fireball whisky. When I come out of adoration, I often look at the balcony in the back of the Gahan House and sometimes when it's night and there are people there eating and talking, I feel a sort of sadness. I'm not sad about myself, I'm sad for them. Many people don't know the joy that my faith brings to my life, and I wonder if these people on the balcony have ever experienced that joy. Sure they're happy as I can see when I look from the chapel door, but do they have any idea of the happiness that things beyond our secular world can bring?
Neal put our Adoration Time thingy on his podcast site. I added the site to my links here.
This week, I have the night shift at work again for the first few days... grrr... But luckily, my schedule request to not get the night shift for the Festival of Lights was granted, so I'll get to see the concerts. I don't care much about the rock bands, but I want to go anyway because I love Canada Day celebrations. On Canada Day, there will be a flamenco show on the big stage, so I definitely want to see that. Also, Kalan Porter is performing on July 3rd with an acrobatics troupe.
That's all for now... tune in next time!