Dedicated to the Past 5 Years
The big dance show is tomorrow, and we had dress rehearsal today. I've noticed some interesting coincidences in this show, if you can call them coincidences... Therefore, I would like to dedicate my performance to the past 5 years of my life. It's been 5 years since I graduated from high school (which included 2 of the worst years of my life), and now I am graduating from UPEI. My life during the past 5 years has been so different than it was in high school, and so much better. Every dance I do in the show, goes out to a different group. Here goes...
Tap - "Nobody Walks out on Me" - All that Jazz (Chicago soundtrack)
This song is all about being glamour and being a diva. So thank you to all the people who have put up with the diva in me. And you know the part where the girl talks and says "Oh Fred... Nobody walks out on me!" and you hear gunshots? That's a special dedication to Dreamboat and all the jerks who have scorned my love in the past 5 years. But especially to Dreamboat. Jerkass.
Jazz IVB - "Believe!" - Believe (Honey soundtrack)
Since I'm wearing my Sweden top for this one, I'd like to dedicate it to my Sweden crew. Especially to my Dutch party crew - Chantal, Astrid, Bindert (alriiiight!), Marloes, Elisa, Remco, Wouter, and Andries, and Sofie from Belgium. To my roommates Tina and Zoi, also to the rest of the exchange students. Also to my fellow student Loella and the other Swedes I met, especially the cast and crew of Utan Rim Och Reson. That was one heck of a journey I had in my 5 months in Sweden, and I'll never forget it.
And since the song has a positive message about believing in yourself, I'd like to dedicate it to all the people who helped me get to where I am now, and who will keep supporting me in the rest of my life after university.
Modern - "It's a Fine Balance... Part 2" - Rentstrike (Groove Collective)
My modern teacher named this piece after her favorite novel "It's a Fine Balance". The dance itself is very artsy and we got to make up snippets of choreography for it. Therefore I would like to dedicate it to all the people who have fed my passion for the arts in the past 5 years - theatre, dance, music, and literature. To the entire cast and crew of Utan Rim Och Reson, The Actor's Nightmare, The VMonologues, Doctor Faustus, Way of the Cross, and all the Dance Umbrella shows I've been in. To the dance teachers I've had - Diane, Buffy, Wanda, Julia, Peggy, Triona, Helen, and Montse (who taught me Flamenco in Spain). Also to the UPEI choir with whom I sang last year and the St. Dunstan's choir (I sang with them in my frosh year). For the people I've met in acting workshops and through other arts events, and to Carlo for inspiring me to go for my dreams of the performing arts again. Also, being an English major, I also want this to go out to my favorite profs of the English department - Jane Magrath (LOVE the 18th Century!) and Shannon Murray (Shakespeare ROCKS!).
Hopefully, I'll have a career in the performing arts. It's what I love, and I want to do what I love in life.
Ballet - "Sanctuary" - Gloria Patri (Sisask)
This one is a Latin Church hymn, and very beautiful. It is for all the people who have helped me grow spiritually in the past 5 years. I am so much stronger now as a Christian than I was before, and I would like to thank all the people who have helped me in my spiritual journey. To all the people I met at World Youth Day, from home and from afar. For my Germany WYD group and the cast/crew of Way of the Cross - Rachel, Neal, Ryan, Maureen, Amy, Sara-Sour, Tasha, Jason, Steph, Nancy, Mindy, Cheryl, and Maria. Also, to Father Charlie and the rest of the Chaplaincy Centre crew, the Faith Society and UPEI Students For Life, which will continue to grow over the next few years. To all the people I've met at the UPEI retreats, Teen Encounter Alumni, St. Dunstan's Divine Cafe, etc. To Sister Rose and the nuns I've met. For the priests who I've known over the years, Deacon Paul and Deacon John who will be ordained as priests this year, Andrew as he continues at the seminary and goes on another pilgrimage this summer, and Faber as he adjusts to the big decision he made. Also, in memory of Father Garth, and Pope John Paul II (JPII, I love you!).
Some of the moves in this piece remind me of my own spiritual journey. There is one where we bend down and look like we're wiping a tear - much like how much I cried over things that have to do with my faith - happy ones and sad ones. But even if I've had some hard times because of my religion, I've grown so much stronger as a result, and no matter what they may do to me, they'll never take my faith away from me.
Senior Jazz - "Salsa Variations" - Como Olvidar (David Bisbal)
Do I even need to describe this dance? Everyone who knows me well knows how much I love Spain, salsa, and David Bisbal. Of all the places where I've travelled, Spain is my favorite. I also loved Dominican Republic. So this one goes out to all the people who have contributed to my love of everything Spanish/Hispanic. To Joe, Cathy and Luis, and the rest of the DR group, also Miguel, Amado, my host family in Consuelo, Jose (my first kiss), the children in Miguel's batey, and the rest of the people who made my DR trip special. As for the Spain trips, here's a special dedication to Profesora Coll - thank you for the Spanish classes and for organizing the trips to Spain, and to all the people who have taken those classes and trips with me. Also, the Latin-Americans I met in my second trip to Salamanca - Alex, Marisol, Darwin and the rest of the crew. And to the teachers I had in Spain, my host families, the Tuna de Medicina de Salamanca, and all the Spanish people I met. I'll never forget Salamanca, and I still long to be there again. Hopefully I'll be back in Spain again sometime within the next few years...
The past 5 years have been amazing, and hopefully the next phase of my life will be too. Thank you to all the people above who have contributed to my 5 years at UPEI!