Congratu-frickin-lations Mr. President!
Yay for Mr. Cranky, aka Ryan for sweeping the elections! I knew he had it in the bag, but he won by 500 frickin' votes! He got 700-some votes, while the other 2 candidates got only around 200 each. Congrats to Ryan, the new Student Union President!
As for the other SU positions, Ry-Dog didn't win VP Activities. He should have though, he's perfect for that - he was NSO coordinator and that took a lot of hard work. He and Mr. Cranky had a joint campaign and wanted to work together in the SU, and they would have made such an awesome team. Terence ran for valedictorian but didn't win. Some people think it's because of the glitch in the computer system that affected voter turnout for valedictorian, but either way they won't have a re-vote.
Covehead show last night for Way of the Cross - 480 big ones, plus a $200 cheque, and the $20 cheque donated by Mark Cameron. That was our most successful show yet! Tomorrow we're hitting the road for Cardigan, and since Rachel's entire family lives there, they're getting everyone and their dog to come to the show, which means we'll end up with another successful performance. And we know we're going to make a killing on the Good Friday show at St. Dunstan's. Plus, we now have an extra show on Easter Monday at the convent. A few nuns came to the show, loved it, and suggested that we bring it into their convent so that all the sisters can see it (some of them can't leave the convent because of extreme old age - apparently there is a pair of twin nuns who are in their 90s). The Sisters of St. Martha are going to be there, as well as the Sisters of the Precious Blood (the little old ladies who wear the full habit). The Good Friday show is going to be the grand finale for our big tour, and the show at the convent is going to be our encore performance.
Doran knows about the show (probably because of the poster and photocopy of the newspaper article/picture I posted on the English dept bulletin board), and I'm surprised he actually asked me about it. A few people I know have also asked me about it. Tonight at the International Tea House, Prof. Beck from the Religious Studies dept said he would like to come to the St. Dunstan's show, but he has something going on at his own church that evening (he's a church minister, so he can't miss his own church's events!).
I've noticed a lot of interesting things about the show and the way things worked out. A few other members of our troupe have noticed it too:
-Maureen and a few other people got a cold, but Sara-Sour didn't. "Coincidentally", she's the narrator - the only one who talks for the whole show (well, Ryan talks too but he only has one line and it's in Hebrew). The music ministry didn't get sick either. And even when Maureen had a cold, she was blowing her nose all the time backstage, but on stage her nose didn't even drip.
-Even with all the props and stuff we have, and our own stuff that gets scattered around backstage, we have never lost one item so far. When I was in Faustus, I lost my cape and my contact lens case (which had my contacts in it, grrr).
-No one has had a wardrobe malfunction or major costume mishap, even though though it could easily happen in the scenes where Ryan is wearing only a loincloth. Rachel and I wear veils, and those never fell off either (and mine is only held up by a few bobby pins and clippy pins, Rachel's is light enough not to need pins). When I was in The Actor's Nightmare last year the zipper on my black dress got messed up and I ended up having to wear the Queen Gertrude dress over the black one - and the same thing happened for the 3 shows we had. And in Faustus, on opening night one of the girls in the chorus couldn't find her cape and had to go on stage without it. The closest things we have had to a costume mishap in the Way of the Cross was the time Neal forgot his leaf crown for when he plays Pilate, and had to go on stage crownless (which wasn't that big a deal, he still had his cape and everything else), and last night when Tasha forgot the sandals (but she wore Maureen's instead so it worked out well).
-There have not been any injuries either - even when I have to stumble around in the dark after my scene before putting my glasses back on. And Jason can still hold up that hammer even with his sprained wrist. No one has knocked down any of the music stands or equipment, or tripped over electrical cords either (and the potential for that was huge for some of the performances).
-No one has quit and we have never needed any replacement actors (except when Nancy couldn't come to the show last night, but Mindy and Steph were able to do the music just fine). In Faustus, a few of the original cast members quit or couldn't take multiple parts, so Marieve was left scrambling for replacements (it worked out in the end, but it was extremely stressful for her).
Maybe it's just coincidences, but I think God helped us out so that we'd be able to make it all the way. God called us all to be in this show, and He has been with us all the way to help us in this production.
That's all for now. I should go study... I've procrastinated enough lately.